Saturday, April 07, 2007

What does it all mean?

I had to go digging into my old posts to find the "normal" ranges for these blood tests.

Bilirubins need to be between 0 and .5 to be normal. He was at 2.7 this week.

Normal readings, according to the website I found, would be between 10-130 for the ALT (he's at 105 now!) , and 20-220 for the ALKP (he's at 177 now!).

Again, for anyone interested in knowing more, I found a website that could help you understand a bit about how to read lab tests.

Woo hoo! With this perspective, I see why the vet just wants to see him again in 2 weeks to check on his progress!

We're not home free yet ... he's still fussy when we're feeding him (and I can finally think, "well, just EAT, then!" in a loving and caring tone, of course) and isn't really quite himself (for many good reasons).

But it sure feels like we're on our way to coasting to the smooth end of the roller coaster ride. We just need to be sure not to get complacent before the car comes to a complete stop, and be sure to watch our step as we exit the ride.

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