Friday, April 06, 2007

We finally heard from the vet! (I know she's busy ... I was just anxious!)

Here's what she said about Mack's blood tests:

1. His red blood cell count is up 3%. That's a good sign, because he was anemic when they last ran this test on March 24, but he's much better now!

2. His total bilirubins are down, from 7.2 two weeks ago, to 2.7. (For comparison, this value was 6.8 when Mack was admitted to the emergency care facility, and went down to 4.3 after 2 and a half days of IV fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, etc.)

3. His ALT is down, too ... from 211 two weeks ago, to 105. (Mack's ALT values on admission to the hospital were 362, and were down slightly to 346 when tested two days later.)

4. His AlkPhos number was down, from 450 two weeks ago to 177 yesterday! (By comparison, this value went UP, between admission and two days later, from 549 to 656.)

None of these values is normal yet, but she says these are very good signs!

She didn't recommend any more drugs or supplements, no ultrasound or biopsy ... just wants to see him again in 10-14 days, to check his blood levels and the status of the feeding tube, as well as to hear whether he's started eating yet.

This is fantastic news! It means we're doing all the right things, and just need to be patient!


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