Friday, April 06, 2007

Waiting for the results of the blood test

I'm trying not to worry too much about the blood test results. We will do what we have to, to find out what is wrong. I'm not sure if we'll go the $300-400 biopsy route right away. The vet mentioned some disorder that responds well to Prednisone ... if the blood values indicate that's a possibility, we might try him on that to see if things get better. We just can't "afford" another $2100 hospital stay, though.

Brushing that off (because I HAVE to at this point!) ... I'm not too worried yet. Mack is definitely feeling better, and he's processing the food he's getting ... even if it's not being processed with optimal efficiency and he's not yet getting enough calories to sustain himself. We're addressing that with the extra feedings, as well as putting less water into the food he IS getting. We'll supplement with water between feedings, so he doesn't get stopped up again.

The vet will be calling our home phone during the day, so we have the message to listen to as many times as it takes for us to understand it. I'll be checking for it, at reasonable intervals, and will let you know as soon as I can ....

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