Friday, April 20, 2007

Blood Test Results Confirm: Mack is Back!

All Mack's blood values are normal now, except his bilirubin. He's at .6, and the top of the "normal" range is .4.

Hey! That's close enough for me!

It's close enough for the doc, too, it seems. She expects it will drop to within normal range in the next day or so.

Mack got new tape around his neck, and a little bit of neosporin on the place where the tube goes in. Otherwise, the doc says, it's healthy tissue ... so the tube can stay in as long as he needs it (or until he knocks it out).

Sue, Mack's first mom, is spending the weekend with us, so Mack will get extra doses of affection (as will Lucky & Reggie) -- there's nothing better for healing than love!

Life is good.

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