Thursday, April 05, 2007

Mack's Fan Club

I've just learned that Mack has developed a fan club! Thank you, to all who read my blog to find out how my dear kitty is faring! (Please feel free to leave comments, if you wish. You don't need an account to do so!)

I mentioned to a friend that I wasn't sure anyone was actually reading my posts ... I started blogging to let my far-flung kids know how their kitty is doing.

It turns out my kids read about Mack's progress less often than his fans do!!

Quoting one friend:

"Yes, every morning I check your blog to get my "Mack fix". : - ) I do worry - kitties can't help themselves for things like this and taking good care of them is the least we can do for all of the love they give us. : - )"

Mack's original mom, Sue, was pleased, but not really surprised about the fan club:

"The world is full of true cat-aholics such as you and moi and therefore, Mack could indeed become an Internet Celebrity. Better him than Britney or Paris ANY DAY. The world would be a better place if we were celebrating a sick kitty pooping than some bimbo flashing her[self] at photographers or the other one making home porno films for mass distribution – not once, but at least TWICE. Money does not cure stupid. So let us celebrate Mack. Let us revel in his little signs of progress, such as peeing and pooping. Because when a kitty is that sick, these are indeed causes to celebrate – his body is beginning to function properly again. GO MACK GO!!!"

I agree ... Go, Mack, go!

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