Monday, April 30, 2007

Trader Joe's Ocean Fish & Salmon canned cat food!!!

Hooray! Mack actually ate something besides Kitten Chow!

Reggie and Lucky have been VERY patient, eating (almost) exclusively their healthy Purina cat food every day, while Mack gets the gourmet liver pate ... and DOESN'T EVEN LIKE IT!

What I mean is ... Reg & Lucky go NUTS when I open a can of Mack's prescription canned food. The aroma brings them to the kitchen from the farthest reaches of the house. Yet Mack has no interest in EATING it. He barely tolerates its smell under his nose if we happen to have a "spill" while we're tube-feeding. The closest he's come to eating it is when he cleans his fur after we've made a mess.

Reg & Lucky, on the other hand, crave the flavor so wildly that they hover while I prepare it for Mack. Once in a while, I'll let them lick the squeegee'd spoon, just for flavor -- but this stuff is so high-calorie and high-fat that it's just not good to let them have much. So I've held them at bay with tiny portions of the Purina Fancy Feast Liver Feast that Mack also rejected. It's lasted quite a long time in the fridge.

Yesterday, at Trader Joe's, I picked up a couple of cans of their Ocean Fish & Salmon flavored canned cat food -- for Reggie & Lucky. I figured it was good for their coat, and a treat they might enjoy by the teaspoonful. I first offered it to them this morning, and just for laughs, I put about half a tablespoonful into a bowl and took it to Mack in his special dining room (aka our bedroom).

Since I had been offering Mack other tidbits in this same way for weeks, I had no expectation that he'd actually EAT it, especially right after I'd finished putting 33cc of prescription food into him about 20 minutes earlier.

Lo and behold -- as soon as I put the food on the floor, Mack started sniffing the air actively ... then got up and stuck his nose right into the bowl ... and ate, or rather DEVOURED most of the treat!

Now -- was it the fish, or was it the 1/2 tablet of appetite stimulant?

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