Saturday, April 07, 2007


I'm seething, so please bear with me.

Remember, back a couple of weeks, we found out INADVERTENTLY that Mack had been tested for something called leptospirosis? I wrote about it on March 19. Here's an excerpt:

The only other piece of news is this: I didn't know (or didn't remember) that Mack was also tested for something called leptospirosis. The tech that brought him for our visit had latex gloves on and had him wrapped in a towel. I asked if we could hold him, and she asked if we wanted gloves, too. Why? Because they won't know the results of the leptospirosis test for 5-7 days (it was sent out last Friday), and it IS possible for people to get it! Not really a concern unless you've had direct contact with the urine of an infected animal, apparently. So I shouldn't be worried ... except ...

EXCEPT that I had been in direct contact with his urine!

The test results take 5-7 days to come back, and we had Mack out of the hospital long before then. When we left, I made a huge point of asking the emergency hospital to CALL ME with the results. For $2100, you think that call could have been made. But we didn't get a call, and I didn't think much about it, except intermittently, when I thought ... gee ... I guess they'd have called if the results were positive.

Finally, today, I decided to just confirm that the test was negative.

Guess what. No such luck.

I am so angry I could just spit.

I've been told that the results were faxed to the vet on March 22. That's the same day they put the feeding tube in Mack's esophagus. You'd think, if they got that fax, they'd have mentioned it to us on the phone one of the many times we called for status updates on Mack, or when we picked him up afterwards.

With positive results, you'd think that the place in Waukesha would have made a point of calling, not only the vet, but also the OWNER ... you know, the people who PAID the $2100 bill ... the people who HAVE THE CAT AT HOME!

I don't understand whether there are degrees of positive results on this friggin' test. The doc I talked to in Waukesha tonight said the titers were slightly elevated, which indicates exposure to the organism, and that this may be a possible cause for Mack's liver problems.

Again, you'd think someone would think this news was important enough to inform the OWNERS. Especially with three other animals in the household. Especially with implications for HUMAN INFECTION.

If I'm concerned, the Waukesha vet tells me, I can get Mack tested again to see if it's still positive.

It's the policy of the facility, the Waukesha vet tells me, for the owner to be called, as well as for the results to be faxed to the referring vet. I can speak with the hospital administrator on Monday, if I'd like, to find out why we weren't called.

I'll have to contact my own physician,
the Waukesha vet tells me, to find out what symptoms I should be looking for in myself, if I am concerned.


I'm so angry right now.

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