Mack has two brothers. They're all from the same litter, and they all live with us ... and we are SO glad they're here.
Lucky and Reggie have been amazingly patient during this whole ordeal with Mack ... although they're a little too interested in the liver pate I prepare every day, which is WAY too rich for either of THEM to eat, but it smells sooo gooood! (Reggie got into it yesterday, and had eaten probably a tablespoon of it before I returned to the kitchen from answering the phone, and shooed him off the counter. About 1/2 hour later, Reggie started tearing around the living room like something was chasing him, for about 2 full minutes, then shot across the room and hopped into the papasan next to me, curled up, and went instantly to sleep. Good thing I hadn't added any of the prescription meds to the batch he got into!)
Here are a couple of pictures I took of Da Boyz last night.

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