Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Water, water, everywhere ...

By now, Mack should be getting about a can of the prescription canned food per day, and we're still just hovering around 1/2 to 3/4 can. I haven't been terribly concerned because he's making good, steady progress.

Yesterday, though -- due to the episode described in the previous posting -- Mack got only about 1/2 the nutrition he had been getting for several previous days, because we cut his last two feedings with plenty of water, which he seems to need right now. I hope it helps.

I can tell he's already feeling better. Last night, he greeted me at the door when I came home, and even took a tumble with the catnip toy.

He greeted me this morning, presenting himself to be petted while I brushed my teeth. Awkward, but how could I resist?

I decided we're not around enough to feed him more frequently, to make up for cutting the food significantly with water -- so I gave him 38cc of the standard slushy liver pate ... because he NEEDS the nutrition, too! But I also gave him 10cc of water afterward, which I was nervous about, but he didn't seem disturbed or uncomfortable with the extra volume in his tummy, at all.

In fact, he curled up on the papasan and was quite relaxed after the feeding. He also purred through the administration of another 15cc of water before I left for work.

We're determined to hydrate this kitty, one way or another!

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