Thursday, March 22, 2007

I talked with the vet, and got some answers. Tube: $130-$150. Meds and food for 2 weeks: $185. Making Mack well: priceless. We could be a mastercard ad!

She got a little defensive when I asked what our chances of success are ... I understand, because she doesn't even have the biopsy that would tell her if it is JUST fatty liver. She got a little defensive when I told her I was concerned about the psychotic episode Mack had last night. She said there are side effects with most of the anti-emetics. Sigh.

She thought she'd start working on him at about 11. He should be ready to come home, as long as he's tolerating everything well, between 3 and 6 tonight.

At least there's hope. I wonder if it would be better to know what a biopsy would say, or better to just live in the hope? I used to think I wouldn't want to know if I had breast cancer, because the treatments were so awful I didn't want to face them. Now things are different, and I think I'd want to know. In Mack's case, though .... the worst case scenario is that he feels better, gets some nutrition, and has a longer time to bless us with his living presence.

I don't want to know. I just want him to get better.

1 comment:

Earthbound Spirit said...

I used to think I wouldn't want to know if I had breast cancer, because the treatments were so awful I didn't want to face them. Now things are different, and I think I'd want to know.

I should hope so! They're not so awful, you know, especially if diagnosed early. Besides, one of the most inspiring people I've talked to in the cancer clinic lately is a woman (younger than me by a good 10 years) who is being treated for her fourth recurrence.