How many optimistic postings can you handle? When things get good, do people lose interest? I don't know ... but I have more good news.
Not only has Mack taken in larger amounts of food today (including a final feeding of 30cc!), he is apparently feeling better than ever!
Evidence? First, he actually got off the couch and wandered around a bit, instead of making trips directly to and from the litter box. Second, in his wanderings, he stopped to sniff, then lick, then take a tumble with (!) a new catnip toy John brought home from the vet's office last weekend.
I'm all caught up...can't say I haven't read anything now! I am glad to hear that Mack was actually wanting to play. I hope this all plays out for the best. Will you have to feed him for the rest of his life through the tube?
Love you!
I don't expect that we'll have to continue feeding him through the tube indefinitely ... but I'm not willing to rush it, either. The vet says it can be anywhere from a week (our one-week anniversary was yesterday) to a year (grimace). One owner removed the tube after a week because the cat wouldn't eat on his own, and the cat died. One owner kept it in for a year because the cat wasn't eating ENOUGH on his own. Right now, Mack is still showing no interest in food, and when offered a tiny bit of the prescription food, has seemed to be (again) fighting an impulse to heave. -- I can wait. -- His kidneys and bladder seem to be functioning normally, and we should be seeing some bowel function soon, I'd think. Otherwise, I'm just as happy to let him recuperate on his own schedule, rather than rushing him. He's still not getting a full can of food a day, although the volume has increase dramatically in the last few days, since I stopped giving him the medicine that was SUPPOSED to quell his nausea, and seemed to cause it, instead. I love you, too!
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