I don't know why ... maybe because I'm still so thrilled he is alive, and he ALWAYS wants to go outside. Maybe because the weather has been gorgeous, and I wish I could take him for a walk. Maybe because I'm crazy ... the last time I was at the pet supply store (getting canned Wellness brand cat food for Mack, of course), I also bought a harness and leash.
At first, he just laid in the grass. Then he started exploring. I had to rein him in when he took off after a moth -- I wasn't prepared to move that fast. I took some video, but it's not very exciting, so here are the still photos.
As you can see, his fur has grown back fully, and he's back to being a pleasantly rounded kitty.
For the record ... I suppose I AM playing favorites. However, the truth is that Reggie really wants nothing to do with going outside, and Lucky would just lay in the grass. I will probably give each of them an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, too. For now, though, Mack is the only one who has had this treat.